Jul 11, 2012

[english lyrics] Gummy - I Love You Even If I Die

Regardless of what happens, a person like you…
I hope you always believe in me
Even when at the end or edge of the world, a person like you…
I hope you continue walking until you find me

I don’t hope for anything more. Don’t want anything more
I’m good as long as I have you

I love you, love you. Can you not hear my words?
I love you to tears. Can you not see my heart?
Even if everything that has breath dies, it’s to the point where I wouldn’t notice
I only love you

Even if there was just one, I suppose I wouldn’t have
One reason where I shouldn’t love you
Even if there was just one, I guess we shouldn’t
One reason where my hand and your hand lets go of each other

Even on the hardest of days, even on the most sleepless of nights
I’m good as long as I have you

I’m worried that this happiness will just scatter like the dust
Hug me as I’m anxious by myself

I love you, love you. Enough to keep you in my heart
I love you to tears. Enough to make you the apple of my eye (literally “enough to put you in my eye”)
From the first moment we met without forgetting for even a single day…
I only love you


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